
188 Audio Reviews

106 w/ Responses


that is awesome. at least one person on this website posts a Christian song. Yeah.
btw, I love it. I was singing with the song. Good job on this one man!

downloaded! yay!

Special-Ed responds:

You reconize it!
I plan on releasing more Christian Music if you'd like to join me!
Let me know if you think of another one that I could do!

+*. Special Ed .*+

very nice

wow. I really like this music. Classical on NG usually sucks, but this song is an exception. Yeah. It's very moving with some good melodic phrases in there. nice touch with the high hats and stuff.

good job.



wow. the erie canal runs through my town. Actually going with this, I've got a new song called Small Town. would you listen to it?

but yeah. I remember singing that song in like 4th grade. Nice memories.
nice remake.

very good

this is what i'm talkin about. I still think the screaming would be a great idea, but it's still a great song overall. Thanks for changing it. I thnk it'll get higher votes now.

MC BigBoy

very nice

Well, for your first submission to NG, I would give it a higher score. But for NG in general, I will have to give you a 7/10.
Since the other people gave you a 1, I'll give you a 5. This song's intro could use work since half the zero voters listen to the first 10 seconds of the song.
Anohter thing you could work on is the length of the song. I don't tend to make 5-10 minute songs, becaues the people on here get bored pretty easily. So, try to introduce those sounds ealier and take out some of that middle stuff that repeats over and over.
Sorry if I butchered that song for ya. I don't think I did, but...yeah.
Sounds pretty promising in the future for you. Keep makin music, as they say.

MC BigBoy

would you take a look at my latest song, Small town? It's a little ways down the list of newest submissions, and if it doesn't, click on my name Yodamanjaro and there on my artist page you can click on the song. Should say MC BigBoy--Small Town.

silkng responds:

Hey Yoda,

I'll submit some shorter songs too. But sometimes I get carried away - I do feel that most of my songs grow on you but maybe I'm biased!

wow. nice song. sounds like a club song.

I love it at 0:17. "What the crap," I think to myself. why can't i make this kind of electronica? My stuff sounds dark, but this sound like dancing at the club. Maybe i'm thinkin this because it's late. maybe its not.
at any rate, the only thing that i didn't prefer was at 2:33 and on with the upper voice goin up and down a half step or so. I think it didn't sound just right, but hey. It's not my song. and it could be becuase it's late out. that too.
anyways, I was wondering if you could give my latest submission, TranceStorm, a look at. A review would be nice, but you don't have to.

another thing: if you want to work on any stuff together, give me a PM.

so here it is:

k-309 responds:

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I had been listening to it the whole night i was working on it, but it got to the point where i had heard it too many times to tell if it was on tune or not. I should have taken a break before posting.
I shall change that!

Thanks for the review.
I wouldn't mind a collaberation as well. sounds fun. Got any ideas? Just PM me if so.

very nice

wow. I have to say this is the first beat that I enjoy on NG. I'm used to hearing professionals like Jedi Mind Tricks. They are amazing with their classicalish rap beats. I'll hit u up on AIM and send you a song or two of em if you want.

MC BigBoy


it's not quite a 10, but it can be like a 9.4. If there was one, I'd do it. But, giving 10 says that it's perfect, but I don't think it is, even though it's basically almost there. I do know this is only the preview, but hearing the full version would make me much happier.
btw I am giving a 5 just because of all the dumb people who give zeros from the first 10 seconds of a song.
side note---did you use fl studio? kinda sounds like it, at least to me...just wodering, that's all.

I like the buildup in the beginningish (0:35-0:40). I think if you added a little variation later in the song, it would make the song "sing to me." The melody is nice, but adding in some more voices or some more chords, even a pad would make it amazing. I now hear that you don't use claps. I always love the claps...
it's still good, but it's from what i hear that you can change before the final version is done so it sounds perfect.

could you listen to my latest submission, TranceStorm? I've had some malicious reviews where people have torn it apart while F-777 (guy who has no. 1 and 2 song on the top scores) added it to his favs. Dont' ask me...I'm not everyone else.

I hope everyone else thinks your song's good too. I hate seeing songs getting good ratings when they suck and the good songs get crappy ratings. Anyways, keep on makin music.


MC BigBoy

I agree to the guy below me

Yeah. it's too short. You should have made the whole song and then submitted it to NG. I had a demo, but was missing the meldoy. The song was at least 2 minutes long.
But yeah. I would probably have voted much higher than a 2 if you had something else in it. Just what you gave me let go of the whole "give me more of it" kinda thing. A good intro, buildup, this, and inst. break, this again, and then some closure and you might have an amazing song. A demo in my book should have at least one minute to it, depending on the genre. In your case, Dance, you should have at least one minute. Sorry for the review, has to be done.

ErikPaladin responds:

No problem man.

The song is intended to be short, because this is NOT suposed to be a loop. It's a demo.
This is the main part of a incoming song.

Thanks a lot for this constructive review, mate!

nice, but...

it's great, but...the attack of the sounds are too hard. Have them come in quietly, then crescendo to the normal volume. That's all I can say that would need work. It is quite relaxing. :)
Just because of that, it kinda ruined it...sorta.

would you care to listen to my latest song, TranceStorm? I havent' gotten many reviews on it and want some input on it. Thanks.
MC BigBoy

Check out Stories in Trance! (www.storiesintrance .com)

Derrick Meyer @Yodamanjaro

Age 36, Male



Cleveland, OH

Joined on 10/14/07

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